Difference between Spark ignition(SI) engine & Compressed ignition(CI) engine

Difference between spark and compressed ignition engine


Hello guys, In this post we are going to see about some difference between spark and compressed ignition engine


    let’s start with the basic overview of SI and CI Engine. 

    First let us start with the question:

    What is Spark Ignition(SI) Engine? 

    Spark Ignition engine are those types of the engine where the burning of the fuel or gasoline takes place with the aid of  a small part of engine called Spark Plug, where a spark is produced to ingite the fuel. 

    In this variety of engine, the rich  Air-fuel mixture comes from the part of carburetor and enters into the engine's cylinder through the valves and then the compression stroke takes place and finally, a spark is given by the spark plug to ignite the air-fuel mixture and we get power stroke.

    And now the 2nd question:

    What is Compression Ignition (CI) Engine?

    The engine which the rise in temperature and pressure during compression stroke is far sufficient to produce spontaneous ignition of the fuel.

    In this category of engine, only the air is get compressed in the cylinder of the engine  after the compression takes place the pressure and temperature of the air are rised  heavily and  it is far enough for burning the fuel which is being sprayed by the fuel injectors.

    Difference Between SI and CI Engine:

    Now Let’s See the difference 

    Difference between spark and compressed ignition engine
    (Difference Between SI and CI engine) 


    These are the difference between SI Engine and CI Engine. If you have any doubts or questions or need of improvement about this topic please comment it in the comments section, we will reply and rectify as fast as possible. 

    Spark your brain and Throttle your knowledge. 

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